

Foods that alleviate dry skin


Want to steer clear of dry and flaky skin this winter? Here’s what you need to eat!   What you should eat for soft supple skin this winter: Dry, flaky skin is an often complaint during the winters. The better way to treat dry skin is eating the right foods in combination with regular moisturizing. Here’s what you need to eat if you want to keep that dry, flaky skin at bay:   Water...

Winter Foods in India


Seasonal eating is a healthier bet! Go through this list of veggies, fruits and nuts that were traditionally available during the winter months. Eating with the season: Modern food processing and worldwide distribution have made every variety of fruit and vegetable available all year-round. But traditionally, vegetables and fruits have been seasonal. And research suggests, that eating with the...

Effective Kitchen Beauty Secrets


Forget about making a run to the cosmetics shop. Your very own kitchen is full of great natural beauty products for the skin. Your kitchen is full of alternatives to those expensive, chemical based and processed, over-the-counter cosmetics. And are more importantly a much healthier and skin-friendly formulation. So why not use them? Here are some food swaps for your routine skin care products...