
Neil Osmond

NovaLoca Becomes Home to Street Level View First UK Implementation


When Ralph McTell wrote “Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London” in 1974, I suspect that he had no idea that in his lifetime you would be able to do this from your armchair. Web based mapping has developed rapidly over recent years. It is not that long ago that we were amazed by seeing aerial imagery taken vertically above any location in the world. More...

Property Research Just Got Easier


Searching for property on the internet just got easier with the launch of Earthware’s new mapping solution. It uses the best available imagery, and clever “in map searching” so that you never have to leave the map to do your property research. It will help to prevent wasted visits to properties you would never buy if you knew a little more about them in the first place. Earthware’s launch...

Earthware launches ‘Virtual Neighbourhoods’ in Google Earth


How would you like to be able to explore a new property situated exactly where it’s to be built, from the comfort of your home, before a brick is even laid? This is exactly what Earthware’s new product, ‘Virtual Neighbourhoods’ offers, by allowing potential buyers to interact with a property and its surrounding neighbourhood using Google Earth on their home PC. ‘Virtual...