

MySolitaire 1st Quarter sales revenue grows 220%, with a 30% raise in Average Order Value


The online jewelry leader, MySolitaire, announced today their first quarter 2008 sales revenue growth of 220% over the first quarter 2007. Sailing smooth and steady, they reported consistent growth and a raise of 30% in average order value. “The sales revenue growth has cautiously met out expectations, despite the restrained consumer demand. Our average order value showed a rise of 30% over the... launches the largest ever Gemstone Stud Collection

M, a leading online jewelry portal launches the biggest ever Gemstone Stud Collection. “We are launching more than 14000 Gemstone Stud Earrings early May. It will be the largest collection offered by any jewelry site,” declared Ashish Jhalani CEO & Co Founder. One of the most respected online jewelry brands, MySolitaire is already unbeatable in the online Gemstone Rings...