

Are Whole House Water Filters Necessary? The Real Truth


It doesn’t matter where you live it seems that there is always some sort of objection to the water. The way it taste, smells, or what it does to sinks and faucets. Besides the obvious objections are there any other issues with the water that you or your family may have? We all need to drink water, to use it in our daily lives but what must we do to make it a long term asset that we can...

Tips For Selecting The Correct Water Filter For your Home


Stunning facts regarding the water we use. Studies have been done that conclude there are over 2100 different toxins in our water. It is possible that showering or bathing in this water allows us to obsorb more toxins than by drinking it. Two-thirds of the harmful effects of chlorine are absorbed when bathing. Almost every home in America has chloroform gas in the air according to the U.S EPA...

Secrets of Water Filtration systems Opened Up and Discussed


It doesn’t matter where you live it seems that there is always some sort of objection to the water. The way it taste, smells, or what it does to sinks and faucets. Besides the obvious objections are there any other issues with the water that you or your family may have? We all need to drink water, to use it in our daily lives but what must we do to make it a long term asset that we can...

Advice On How to Clean Your Berber Carpet


“Berber” carpet refers to a type of carpet making pioneered by the Berber peoples of North Africa, and is characterized by a tight pile that is looped back down into the backing. Berber is most often found in commercial offices, because the density of its fiber resists stains, dirt and wear, all of which lend to its reputation for durability and cost effectiveness. Berber carpet...

Save Big Bucks BuyingThe CorrectWater Filtration System


Your home, your family and your possessions are important to you so it’s a good idea to protect them with whole house water filtration. Clean water is taken for granted but in actual fact, not many of us have it. Tap water has been tested and proven to contain many harmful chemicals and many of which we consume daily. Aside from the health aspect of consuming chemicals like lead or...