

Executive Health Screening for Cancer


Cancer Research UK, which collected the statistics, warned that numbers of women undergoing screening were falling. It is thought they might increase again following the decision of celebrity Jade Goody to live out the rest of her life in public, following a diagnosis of advanced cancer. Cervical cancer is still the second most common cancer for women under the age of 35. A vaccination programme...

Occupational Health: Replace the sick note with a The fit note


The sick note or FMed3 (Med3) to give it its proper name,has existed in its current form for longer than the NHSitself. It dates back to a bygone era of heavy industry, nooccupational sick pay and GPs who made leisurely houserounds before retiringto the golf course each afternoon.At the start of the 21st century the Med3 is widely used tovalidate sicknessabsence, dictates a “black and...