

Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatments


In Ayurveda Panchakarma is an important treatment. Panchakarma is a purifying therapy to improve the metabolic process through food and herbal medicines. Panchakarma treatment is mainly used to balance the tri-Doshas that are vatha pitha and kapha.  Vamana (vomiting), virechana(purging), basthi(therapeutic enema), Nasya karma (Nasal therapy)and Raktamokshana (therapeutic bloodletting). These are...

Kathakali The Classical Dance Form Of Kerala


Kathakali the classical dance form of Kerala was originated in Kerala 400 years ago. Kathakali is an art form where music, dance and drama are incredibly synchronized that is in Kathakali constitutes three fine arts, abhinayam or acting, nrityam or dancing, and geetham or singand. In Kathakali there is a perfect combination of five elements of arts. Expressions (Natyam), Dance (Nritham)...