

Today’s workplaces abound with Gen Y leaders leading teams of Gen X/baby boomers – Anil Sachdev, Founder & CEO, SOIL


With fast-paced entrepreneurship ventures burgeoning all around, examples of Gen Y leaders at the forefront of mixed generation teams abound across the world. In this context, the discussion on inter-generational leadership challenges may not be a new one, but is definitely most relevant today. The Gen Y leader leading multi-generational teams now has a unique challenge of appreciating the best...

Think Beyond CAT – Take SOIL Caliper Profiling Test


The company we all know – Sony. But how many of us know that Sony’s first product was a rice cooker that sold less than 100 units? If Morita, the founder, had not persisted beyond this failure, Sony would never have been a multi-billion dollar company. Colonel Sanders of KFC fame was rejected 1009 times before hitting success! Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts to invent the light bulb before...