

File Sharing | The Biggest Innovation Since You Send It


Internet users everywhere have been stumbling across a new internet file transfer service that seems to offer some of the biggest innovations in the world of file sharing services since the invention of file sharing. A unique and refreshing idea has appeared in the online world. A company by the name of Swap it! Encrypt it! has recently entered the race to provide computer internet users with the...

The NEW Swap it! Encrypt it!


The recently launched Swap it! Encrypt it! has undergone a complete overhaul. Not that Swap it! Encrypt it!’s service wasn’t great, but Swap it! Encrypt it! just had to make it better. Swap it! Encrypt it! started with a slick new page design and then decided to overhaul their entire system. That’s right, not only did Swap it! Encrypt it! add a bunch of new free features...