

Law Firm Eversheds Banned from Website – Internet Freedom of Speech under Threat


Law firm Eversheds acting on behalf of officers of the University of Wales Lampeter has been banned from being able to access the web site The Lamp Post, for making unfounded threats of legal action and a high court injunction in the knowledge that material on the site was in fact true. Trevor Mayes who edits the site which is campaigning for a University Commissioner or Ombudsman has taken the...

University of Wales Lampeter Facing Closure


While the university is a charity and as such must comply with charity law, it has exempt status under the Charity Act 1960. This means that any legal challenge to the charitable activities of the church could only be achieved by legal action through the Chancery Division of the High Court by an interested party with little chance of success. Under the new Charity Act 2006, the exempt status will...

Church in Wales in Danger of Losing Charitable Status


The Archbishop of Wales the Most Reverend Barry Morgan is leader of the Tomorrow’s Wales political action group set up in response to the Richards Inquiry into Welsh Devolution to try to change the way we are governed. His involvement caused much controversy amongst the Church; some Bishops strongly opposed his actions claiming that the church should stay out of politics. While the Church is a...