

Western Environmental Liner Builds High Tech Welding Machine For Liner Fabrication


Western Environmental Liner’s new fabrication line allows them to continue to be one of the fastest fabricators of liners in the world. Western Environmental Liner has added a new heat welding machine to their already extensive line of wedge welding & heat welding machines to enable them to keep up with their customers expanding needs. The new machine can fabricate material from 4’ to 13’...

Choose A Liner That Will Give You The Best Value For Your Application


It is important to select the right liner for your specific application. Some liners might be over killfor your application while others might not get the job done. Beware of companies who only provide one type of liner for all applications. Most likely you will be paying too much for a pond liner or containment liner that will not work. One key to look for is if the liner provides a warranty...