Are You Doing Your Bit To Save The Planet?


We have all heard the warnings about saving the planet and how we all need to do our bit to preserve the earth for future generations but how seriously are you really taking the claims? The energy watchdog ofgem has warned that because of the over-reliance on power in the UK that if something is not done soon we could all face energy blackouts in the not too distant future.

Ofgem have also predicted that the cost of gas and electricity is likely to continue to rise and that our energy bills could be as much as 60% higher than they are now in less than ten years time.

It is therefore very important that we take measures now to reduce our own individual carbon footprints. It is well documented that our cars are a major source of carbon dioxide and that we should all do all we can to share lifts, use public transport or even walk where possible. However where many people do not realise they are creating a considerable amount of carbon dioxide is in the home.

There are several measures we can take to improve the energy efficiency of our homes some are low cost such as turning our washing machines down to 30 degrees or turning lights off when we are not in a room. But the changes which are likely to have a considerable impact on your gas and electricity bills are going to require an initial outlay such as loft insulation or double glazing.

Although the initial cost of loft insulation or double glazing will be considerable in the long run it will save you money and eventually pay for itself with the money you save on your heating bills.
Once you have properly insulated you home you may wish to go even further and install your own renewable energy generating technology such as solar panels or a wind turbine and the energy you generate could be used instead of buying from the national grid saving you money and helping the environment.

For more information on improving the energy efficiency of your home and double glazing in your area including double glazing in Morecambe, double glazing in Barrow-in-Furness and double glazing in Lancaster visit the Planet South Lakes website and request a free online quotation.

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By motionlab