Boca Health Doctors Seek to Encourage Women to Take Control of their Health


Bariatric Experts Discuss the Importance of Physical Activity and Weight Loss for Overall Health.

Boca Raton, FL, September 21, 2010 — September the 29th is recognized as the largest national health day for women and the bariatric doctors at Boca Health want to help women take control of their health. Recent studies indicate that over 68 million women in the United States alone are overweight.

With September’s focus on fitness and health, Boca Health physicians urge women to put their health first and take part in medical evaluations and analysis to determine their specific needs for achieving optimal health and weight.

“Most women come to us desperate, after having tried several fad diets with no success. The most important thing for women to understand is that there isn’t a one size fits all when it comes to losing weight and being healthy. While eating less and exercising more, may work for some it’s not the solution for all,” shares Boca Raton medical weight loss doctor, Dr. Schlosser. It is time for women to learn the facts, so they can make the best choices regarding their health.

The professionals at Boca Health will use their expertise to formulate a customized weight loss program, ensuring both proper nutrition and fitness. Remaining active is essential for achieving long-term health goals. If you are not already physically active, the team of weight loss experts recommends you begin with moderate activity for 30 minute, 3 to 5 times per week and gradually increase the time. Women who are physically active, can expect to lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood glucose levels.

This year, for National Women’s Health & Fitness Day take the steps to achieving long-term optimal health. Let Boca Health’s team of highly trained bariatric specialists certified in metabolism and weight loss, formulate a customized program for you.

About Boca Health:
Boca Health is a premier physician supervised metabolism and medical weight loss center with a unique approach to weight loss, not just for Boca Raton, but for much of South Florida. The team at Boca Health understands that eating less and exercising more doesn’t work for everyone. In many cases, there are underlying medical conditions that hinder or completely stop the weight loss process. The advantages of a physician-supervised metabolism and weight loss center are self-evident. The medical equipment, highly-trained staff, and specialized weight loss physicians, are just three reasons why medical weight loss clinics are much more effective than any clinic based on a specific diet or new fad. While concepts such as the South Beach Diet pop up each and every year, it is medical weight loss clinics like Boca Health that help the everyday person become healthier without the hype, and with all of the necessary guidelines.
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Laura Ure
eBiotic Media
Boca Raton, FL
[email protected]

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