CellAntenna and South Carolina Department of Corrections Hold Successful “Cell Phone” Jamming Demonstration


Coral Springs, FL/November 24, 2008 – CellAntenna Corporation and the South Carolina Department of Corrections held a successful “cell phone” jamming demonstration on Friday, November 21, 2008 at the Lieber Correctional Institution outside of Charleston, South Carolina. The South Carolina Department of Corrections and correction’s facilities nationally are confronted with a growing threat to the safety and security of the public and corrections’ staff – unauthorized use of cell phones in prisons. The illegal use of cell phones in prisons allows prisoners to coordinate and conduct criminal activity from behind bars. Currently the 1934 Communications Act prohibits local and state law enforcement from using jamming devices. CellAntenna has been leading a national legal challenge to give local and state law enforcement the power to jam such illegal activity. They have been opposed by CTIA, the organization representing the cellular providers. Indeed, just minutes before the demonstration was held, CTIA President Steve Largent contacted South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford in attempt to block the demonstration. Governor Sanford refused the “Stay of Execution” request.

In the demonstration, CellAntenna showed that using jamming devices in prisons will not affect prison security radios or any cell phone equipment outside of the Lieber Correctional Institution as opponents of jamming in prisons have alleged. In attendance were members of the media, correctional officers from other states, and representatives of elected state and federal officials.

“I want to thank the South Carolina Department of Corrections for allowing us to make this demonstration and applaud them for their recognition of this growing threat to our safety,” said Howard Melamed, President and CEO of CellAntenna. “Cell phones are now considered to be the ‘New Cash’ for inmates. Prison authorities are helpless in defending themselves and the public against the threat as the 1934 Communications Act prohibits anyone but the Federal Government from jamming communication,” he added.

“The FCC and the CTIA have said that jamming of cell phones should not be allowed in prisons since there is no way of containing the jamming within the prison walls,” continued Melamed. “In this demonstration, using CellAntenna Corporation’s technology, we proved that jamming can be contained and refuted the FCC and CTIA claims conclusively with the media recording the event. There was no interference in normal legal prison operations just as there will not be if law enforcement is allowed to use jamming equipment nationally. As a result of this demonstration, the state of Texas has invited CellAntenna to hold a similar demonstration where the problem of illegal cell phones in prison is very acute and a state senator received a death threat from an inmate using a cell phone.”

“We welcome any government organization to have us provide the same demonstration so that they can be informed about the safe use of jamming, and to help change the laws to allow their institutions the right to stop criminals and terrorist from using cell phones,” said Melamed.

In 2005, CellAntenna Corporation mounted a judicial challenge to the constitutionality of the FCC restrictions, seeking to permit the use of cellular jamming devices by state and local governments and first responders. After the United States District Court Southern District of Florida in Miami ruled that it lacked jurisdiction, CellAntenna filed a Petition for Rulemaking before the FCC to allow state and local governments to use jamming equipment. The CTIA, of which every cellular service provider is a member, opposes CellAntenna’s position.

About CellAntenna Corporation
Headquartered in Coral Springs, Florida, and offices in England and Poland, CellAntenna Corporation provides packaged, custom, and even rapid deployment cellular repeater systems for residential, commercial and government use. The company’s new products provide communication during disasters and where signal enhancement is required for saving lives. CellAntenna is involved in the limiting of cellular communication in prisons and in areas of high security. In addition, CellAntenna works on new and innovative applications for its systems and develops new, cutting-edge technologies. For more information, please visit: www.cellantenna.com.

David E. Johnson
Strategic Vision
[email protected]

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By lpadgett