A new clinic called Viva skin and Laser specialising in fat freezing, the latest revolution in removing the excess fat off the abdomen and other unwanted bulges on the body. The Viva 3DLipo Fat Freeze Clinic has had an amazing response from the people looking to have the waistlines reduced and look years younger.
Salon owner Elle Sarih tells us how she has been inundated with requests from women and men looking to get their body back to a manageable size. We were surprised by the number of mountain bikers wanting to have their leg hair removed as well as the number of men willing to take out the fat freeze treatment, especially the 35 to 45 age group.
The clinic prides ourselves in achieving results and ensuring our clients are happy with their experience. 3DLipoMed a fat freeze system and 3DShockwave are exclusive to the local town of Blackburn Lancashire, famous for the local football team and the mention in an old beetles song.
The fat freezes also known as Cryolipolysis.. have taken the beauty world by storm, and provide fast result for a slimer look. “clients have to drink 2 litres of water per day, to allow the kidneys to flush out the fat cells” says Elle Sarih
They will also need weekly Ultrasound Cavitation treatments which rupture fat cells; and turns those cells into liquid which is carried away by the body as a waste product. This is used for inch loss and fat pocket reduction, the results of this are immediately evident which gives the client a massive confidence boost, great for women looking to get married and wanting to fit into a smaller sized wedding dress on their big day.
The clinic also has purchased the Award Winning Soprano ICE Laser Hair Removal machine. The clinic prides itself on the fact that All the therapists are fully trained with the latest in beauty qualifications.
“We take all our client feedback very seriously and if necessary can adapt our services. We are recognised Dermalogica Experts; so rest assured our skills and expertise can build personalised treatments to meet all individuals needs for all skin types, however we are experts in Asian skin given the number of clinics we have from a south asian background.” says Elle
Viva is looking to rebrand their preston clinic under the viva 3dLipo brand aswell as opening a clinic in Nelson or Burnley in early 2017.