Film on Obama Film Stolen, Mardis Uses Internet for Solution


Bobby Mardis, Producer / director, and original member of Robert Townsend’s “Hollywood Shuffle,” had almost competed editing his film, “Obama: Tears of Joy,” when his home was burglarized. All his valuables were stolen including his prized possession which was the film. Mardis uses internet technology and to help replace edit bay.

Los Angeles, CA, August 19, 2010 — (Sign of The Times and Economy Forces Creativity)Bobby Mardis, Producer / director, and original member of Robert Townsend’s “Hollywood Shuffle,” had almost competed editing his film, “Obama: Tears of Joy,” when his home was burglarized. All his valuables were stolen including his prized possession which was the film. For the last two years, Mardis was shooting, downloading stock footage, compiling and editing a film about the moment Barack Obama announced his president elect status in Chicago’s Grant park. At the “moment of realization” of Mr. Obama becoming a candidate, tears rolled down citizens’ eyes. This film analyzes those tears and the history. It is also about the triumphs and accomplishments of people of color. The film spot lights the rocky road to freedom and progress that is forever embedded in our minds. This film, the presidency and history represents the progress of a clearly oppressed group of people, but is a source of pride and uplifting hope.

Tears continued to flow on February 22 when Mardis’ home was burglarized. He was in San Francisco undergoing testing to give his ailing mother a kidney when the burglars broke in his home and robbed him of his edit bay. Now, Mardis has to make up for two years worth of work and over $300,000 in equipment and intellectual properties by replacing the edit system. Mardis is using a website on the internet to gain support from the general public to help in getting this important film back on track.

The site is called where people can go on and pledge their support for the film. This revolutionary site helps artists complete their projects in an “all or nothing” method where people pledge an amount on a credit card, if the financial goal is not met, then the pledges are not charged. If they are met, then the artist reaches his/her financial objective, and the project gets completed. This internet methodology is helping more independent filmmakers with financing in this weakened economy.

Mardis hopes that President Obama supporters will go to the site and view his video appeal and support the film. More information and a complete trailer of the film can be seen on Mardis states that this new wave of internet technology and is not only the wave of the future, a way to solve his immediate edit system problem, but possibly a way to catch the criminals who can be seen in the surveillance tape. If anyone recognizes the culprits, contact Detective Wycoff at the Pacific Division Station in Los Angeles.

For Interviews Contact: Bobby Mardis Fat Chance Films – (323) 882-4130 – [email protected]

Contact :
Bobby Mardis
Fat Chance Films
Los Angeles, CA
323 8824130
[email protected]

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