Mobile Social Networking Poised For a Spectacular Growth In Next Five Years.


Boston, MA ( Pressabout ) April 2008 According to the social networking web-design and development team,, the advancements in software technology have facilitated the existence of the social networking websites in mobile phones.

Jonathan McInerney of said that mobile social networking will attract people towards them in large numbers. “Mobile social networking communities will be attracting members in swarms. The users of mobile social networking are expected to explode to whooping 175 million by 2013. The mobile social networking will grow rapidly through the next five years.”

Continuing his speech, Mr. Jonathan McInerney pointed out that, “Cell phones have many capabilities that PCs lack. One of them is portability. With the inclusion of social networking in mobile phones, users will be able to stay in touch with their friends on the move”.

“Users can get all the features of traditional social networking websites like creating their own profiles, making friends, participating in chat rooms, creating chat rooms, holding private conversations, sharing photos and videos, sharing blogs by using their mobile phone. Mobile communities are becoming more and more popular among the Americans” said Jonathan McInerney of

He added that, “Cameras in mobile phones take advantage of the technology of mobile social networking. Users can upload there pictures to their profile directly, no matter where in the world they are. With mobile phone networks slashing down the Internet usage charges, users can interact as much as they like and upload as many photos they wish with the help of mobile social networking.”

The benefits of social Networking through mobile phones is obvious and over the next few years we are likely to see more mobile social networks and a peak growth in them.

About , a division of is a team of social network web-designers and developers who are experts in designing professional social networking websites.

For more information, contact
Jonathan Mac
271 Western Ave,
Lynn MA 01904


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By designogmac