

Social Networking Web Design – The New Trend In The Web 2.0 World


Boston, MA ( PressAbout ) January 25th 2010 -Standard look of the websites are rapidly changing with the full support of the internet surfers. The web 2.0 styled websites made an entry in the last decade and immediately caught the attention of the online crowd with the bright, glossy and eye candy appearance. Now the web 2.0 style is spreading like a wildfire. “You’d have noticed the great change...

Mobile Social Networking Poised For a Spectacular Growth In Next Five Years.


Boston, MA ( Pressabout ) April 2008 According to the social networking web-design and development team,, the advancements in software technology have facilitated the existence of the social networking websites in mobile phones. Jonathan McInerney of said that mobile social networking will attract people towards them in large numbers. “Mobile social...

The Next Chapter of the Internet: Social Networking


Boston, ( Pressabout ) April 10, 2008— According to Pearse Street Consulting Inc, the future of how users interact on the Internet will be permanently affected by the increased usage of social network websites such as MySpace, Facebook, and professional networks such as LinkedIn and Xing. Professionally and casually, people are spending more time connecting with others, growing their circle of...

Myspace is a great tool for business promotion.


Lynn, MA ( ) April 1, 2008 According to the MySpace designers of, MySpace provides a platform for getting new contacts. By using different strategies, these contacts can be converted into loyal customers. Jonathan McInerney, an expert in Internet marketing said “Most of the people think that MySpace is something purely personal and is only for teens and college students. They mainly...