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Moms Losing Weight, Becoming Fit, Healthy and Happy…For Charity?

Need some incentive to lose weight in 2009? How about losing weight and becoming fit… for charity.

Syosset, NY, January 02, 2009 — Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC “The Mojo Coach™” has found a way to combine the two and moms everywhere…are loving it.

Is there a way to combine health, fitness and wellness with charity? According to Debi Silber “The Mojo Coach™” there most definitely is. Silber is a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach, Lifestyle Expert-just for moms, President of Lifestyle Fitness, Inc. and mom of four. She’s branded “The Mojo Coach™” because for nearly 20 years she’s inspired unfit, overweight and overwhelmed moms to “get their mojo back” though gradual lifestyle change.

Each month, 50% of profits from the sale of any product or service goes towards her Charity Program. Also each month, she chooses a “Mom-of-the-Month” or M-O-M who’s made significant lifestyle changes. Besides recognition in Silber’s newsletter Mojo Moments, the M-O-M has the additional reward of deciding to which charity Silber’s profits go.

“Moms see the global impact of their healthy lifestyle changes. They’re helping themselves while helping others less fortunate. These moms are also able to use my Charity Program as a great teaching tool for their kids.” Silber also noticed: “What I’ve also seen is that many of these moms have friends who’ve created Foundations and Charities to raise money for a loved one in need. Through my Charity Program, these moms have been able to use my profits to help their friends where they otherwise may not have been able to contribute monetarily.”

After working with hundreds of moms exclusively for nearly two decades, Debi’s identified the areas moms struggle with most and created The Lifestyle Fitness Program; a six part system which addresses the unique and specific obstacles faced by moms today. Through a variety of products and coaching services, Silber’s able to offer every mom the tools, information, resources and inspiration to look, feel and live her best according to their individual needs, goals, budget and time.

Silber believes that mom is the greatest influence in her children’s lives. They watch, learn and copy how mom acts and behaves. That’s why she believes it’s crucial to strengthen the family at the roots, not the leaves. According to Silber, that means that a happy, healthy, loving, thriving family begins with a happy, healthy, loving, thriving mom.

Recently honored for its uniqueness, Silber’s Charity Program is just one of the many features worth investigating at Visitors will also find her book (recommended by Parenting Magazine), CD program, coaching programs, Pay It Forward Program, message boards, resources, tele-classes and more. “The Mojo Coach™” is dedicated to encouraging moms to find the balance between motherhood and womanhood…because it doesn’t have to be a choice.

Press Contact:
Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC
Lifestyle Fitness, Inc.
Syosset, NY

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