This new technology uses a combination of podcast, elearning courses and a multimedia presentation that MediaClick appropriately calls a “PocketBook.” This service can be utilized as a freebie for ten trial runs before actually purchasing the product, making it an incredible value.
In addition to this, MediaClick is offering placement within a high traffic ebay store as well. An author can get tremendous notoriety online as it cuts the curve in the costly and almost impossible task of publishing a book. Steve Cox, owner of the new innovative self published software program says, “I have made the publishing realm very simple and effective for new authors to publish their books online with zero cost. I don’t think that this service is available anywhere on Google for this incredible value.”
Mr. Cox relayed, “I have tried very hard to make self publishing a very userfriendly service. The quality of the material will be of utmost concern as we will gather feedback from ebay to determine what kind of response they will have. It will be my job to drive massive traffic to my ebay store. The author’s job will be to produce first class material. This will make the entire operation more effective for everyone concerned.
MediaClick of Naples, Florida is a software developer that has successfully sold to over three thousand educational institutions by independent sales people and resellers throughout the United States. Following the link below will give more information and certainly Steve Cox says to give him a call anytime to discuss the program benefits. Phone number, email address and website urls are listed below. New innovations in self published books online is certainly an area where new ground will be broken by introducing this phenomenal and innovate product.
The PocketBook Store is previously being shown on ebay at this web address:
Steve Cox, 888/465/6068
Email: [email protected]
Website :