Tips For Getting A Loan Modification In A Hassle Free Way


Loan or mortgage modification means adjusting an existing loan by a lender in response to a borrower’s long-term inability to repay the loan amount. It allows the loan to be reinstated, and result to the mortgager can afford. It is much like a mortgage refinance in that the objective is to find you a more affordable mortgage payment depending on your financial situation. Instead of looking for a new loan, you will just simply modify the terms of your existing loan. A lender might be open to modifying a loan because the cost of doing so is less than the cost of default.

In many cases, a loan modification is recommended to owners that have a financial hardship which is preventing them from making their monthly loan installments. Most how are eligible for these type of mortgage modification programs have already missed one or more payments.

Mortgages are modified to the benefit of the borrower in many ways including reduction in interest rates. By reducing your loan interest rate, you will have to pay a lower monthly installment and therefore have a less burden on your shoulders. More than 50% of the loan borrowers choose to reduce their principal amount. By reducing your principal amount, you will be paying a far less installment. Reduction in late fees or other penalty fees are also important. By modifying your late fees, you can save your monthly installment money this month and pay them later.

The borrower can be current, late, defaulter or in foreclosure at the time the application of modification is made. If you have experienced a documented hardship or change in financial circumstances or missed three payments (90days or three months), or occupy the property as a primary residence then, you are eligible for a loan modification. Going purposely default to get a loan modification can affect your eligibility. Make sure you are effective in working with your lender.

The state and federal government may arrange a loan modification program as charity on part of the lender. A compulsory loan modification program involves the lender to modify mortgage meeting the criteria with respect to the borrower, the property, and the loan payment history.

A loan modification is usually a win-win situation, where the lenders get their money in a revised fashion and borrowers get a new chance to support their mortgage payments at a reduced cost.

The loan modification process can be lengthy and sometimes frustrating and confusing for many discreet borrowers.

A well written and convincing hardship letter is an important part of a successful mortgage loan modification application. Your lender will be willing to grant your modification application if you can demonstrate an ability and willingness to make the new lower loan payment now and in the future.  Make sure you cover the 3 critical elements that your lender needs to know in your own hardship letter by following a simple Hardship Outline.

It is critical that before getting in touch with your bank’s loss alleviation department or your loan lender/institution, you should learn about the market, the method and any thing that might be appropriate. This would help you to make the correct decisions and avoid being demoralized when you’re already disappointed with your current pecuniary situation.

Contact: 1st Foreclosure Prevention
[email protected]
Contact No: 215-660-5494
Fax: 800-477-7951
Address: 67 Buck Road B25, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

About the author

By lizziloraine