

Man’s Best Friend Needs A Helping Hand!


Your dog will perform best on a healthy diet. A poor diet is bad for your dog on several levels. Not only does it affect the dog’s health, but it can have an impact on its behavior. By making small changes to your dog’s diet, you can alter their receptiveness to the training. Challenge your dog on a regular basis. Make sure your dog knows what he is doing by testing him! When you are...

Not Getting Anywhere Training Your Dog? Read These Helpful Tips


Training should be disciplined but also fun for the dog. Keep training to a short 10-15 minute session; much longer and your dog’s attention will wander. Give him varied rewards, and don’t be stingy. Be sure to praise your dog when he does a good job. When you make training fun for your dog, it will make listening in general fun for the dog too! Be sure to feed your dog healthy foods...

How Dogs Learn, A Guide To Dog Training


Dogs should be spayed or neutered around the age of six months. This should go hand in hand with the start of obedience classes. Not only does spaying or neutering make a dog a better overall pet, it makes him or her a more attentive pupil for training. You and your dog will have many more happy years together and your pet will also be healthier. When house training your pup, you should adhere to...

Easy Ways To Have A Perfectly Trained Dog


Crates should feel like a safe place to puppies. So, you should never use them as a way to discipline your dog. Dogs may need to be familiarized with the crate to feel comfortable and secure in it. There are many tricks that you can try to make it easier for both of you. Many dogs are intimidated by the crate. To cure this, place something they enjoy in it and shut the door. They will see and...

Is Your Dog Running Your Home? Get Help Here With These Simple Tips!


Training a new dog should be a family activity in which everyone participates. Your dog may see one family member as the one in charge, but other family members need to be consistent in their expectations of the dog’s behavior also. Use a phrase on your puppy to house train him. Every single time you take your pup to do his business, say something like “need to go out?”. It does...