

Canada Pharmacies Examine Implications of Brain Shrinkage Link to Memory Loss


Elderly people experience what is known as “silent strokes” often leading to memory loss. Canada pharmacies examine results of a new research study revealing noticeable symptoms often absent when such strokes occur causing damage to brain cells in different areas. Memory loss occurs in 25% cases, which makes it necessary to examine further why strokes of less intensity affect older adults. Study...

Canada Pharmacy Online Expects Massive Sale of Arthritis Preventive Drug


Millions across the globe suffer from arthritis, and it is expected over 65 million people will be diagnosed with arthritis by the year 2030. The cost of medication is rising year by year, but researchers have found a commonly used drug to be very effective in preventing arthritis. Canada Pharmacy Online offers anti-inflammatory medication for the treatment of joint injuries. A recent study now...

Canada Pharmacy Online Recommends Fish Oil Dosage for Heart Disease Patients


Fish eaters across the globe have always had the major advantage of getting natural protection against heart disease. Canada pharmacy online suggests that people who do not have access to fresh fish on a regular basis can opt for fish oil supplements instead. It has been accepted by the medical fraternity that supplements in various forms such as canned fish, fish oil capsules, and extracts of...